风从东方来:今日中国概况(全英文课程)(杭州师范大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


第1章 魅力华夏:今日中国 A Charming China: an Introduction to Modern-day China 第一章单元测验

1、 In the east part of China, along the Yellow Sea and the East Sea, there are ___. 

答案: extensive plains 

2、 _ is China’s mother river and _ is the longest river in China.

答案: The Yellow River; The Yangtze River

3、 The world’s highest point, Mount Everest, lies on the __ border.

答案: Sino-Nepalese

4、 If you want to see the ice snow sculptures in the winter of China, you can go to _.

答案: Harbin

5、 The Great Wall was listed by UNESCO as a ______in 1987.

答案: World Cultural Heritage

6、 ____ is called Oriental Venice with many waterways in the city.

答案: Suzhou

7、 In 2020, the largest single-structure airport terminal in the world is ____.

答案: Beijing Daxing International Airport

8、 In 1971, China recovered its legitimate seat in the ___ against all obstacles.

答案: the United Nations

9、 Which province is going to hold the 2022 Winter Olympics in cooperation with Beijing?

答案: Hebei 

10、 Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City was discovered in the city of ____

答案: Hangzhou

11、 __ has been a famous foodie destination and it is UNESCO’s first-ever City of Gastronomy in Asia

答案: Chengdu

12、 Which of the following cities is not one of three top megacities in China

答案: Tianjin

13、 In 2013, China has proposed a global community of shared future and ______ Initiative.

答案:  One Belt and Road 

14、 In terms of economy, China is the world’s _ largest economy in 2020.

答案:  second  

15、 In 2020, a Chinese vlogger _ has more than 100 million followers in Youtube, the largest video platform in the world. 

答案: Li Ziqi

16、 In 2001, China joined _____ and began to participate more extensively in international economic and trade exchanges.

答案:  the World Trade Organization

17、 “山川异域, 风月同天” first appeared on the packages from __ to aid China’s fight against COVID-19.

答案: Japan

18、 There are a lot of grasslands on the Inner Mongolian plateau in the north of China.

答案: 正确

19、 The Yangtze River is also called China’s mother river. 

答案: 错误

20、 Yellow Mountain is the top one of the five Great Mountains in China. 

答案: 错误

21、 The city of Sanya is the capital of Hainan Province.

答案: 错误

22、 The Forbidden city was included in the World Cultural Heritage.

答案: 正确

23、 The transfer of the sovereignty of Hong Kong to China marked the end of European colonialism in Asia

答案: 错误

24、 The proposal of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence marked the maturity of China’s foreign policy.

答案: 正确

25、 People describe Chengdu as a “three-dimensional” magical city because of its complicated city landscapes.

答案: 错误

26、 Shangri-La is called China’s Hawaii because of its wonderful beaches.

答案: 错误

27、 China is the only middle-income country ranked in the top 20 of the Global Innovation Index (GII). 

答案: 正确

28、 Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City was discovered in the city of ____.

答案: Hangzhou

29、 __ has been a famous foodie destination and it is UNESCO’s first-ever City of Gastronomy in Asia.

答案: Chengdu

30、 Which of the following cities is not one of three top megacities in China?

答案: Tianjin

第2章 诗礼传世:神奇的汉语故事 A Cultural Inheritance: Mysteries of the Chinese Language 第二章单元测试

1、  Chinese belongs to the ____ language family. 

答案: Sino-Tibetan

2、 Chinese is the only____ language still in use today. 

答案: pictographic 

3、 The character of 月 is a ____ character.

答案:  pictographic 

4、 Chinese Pinyin makes it possible to type Chinese ____ into characters.

答案: syllables

5、  Indicative characters portray the ____ in the nature.

答案: matters  

6、 2019 is the ____ anniversary of the discovery of Oracle scripts in China. 

答案: 120th

7、 The first missionary school in China was established in ____ in 1830s. 

答案: Macao

8、 The character of 仙 is a _____ character.

答案: picto-phonetic 

9、 The English word of “Radar” is from English and “Champagne” is from _____.

答案: French

10、  __ was the first foreign language taught in China since the founding of the People’s republic of China. 

答案: Russian

11、 Mandarin Chinese is the only spoken and written form of Chinese used in China.

答案: 错误

12、 The character of 众 is a pictographic character.

答案: 错误
分析:“众” is an associate compound(会意字).

13、 Pictographic characters portray the shape of things in nature.

答案: 正确

14、 The meaning of four-character Chinese characters is the adding up of the meanings of components.

答案: 错误

15、  There are no articles in Mandarin Chinese.

答案: 正确

16、 No matter how many strokes the Chinese characters have, they occupy the same printing space.

答案: 正确

17、  There are more units of words in Chinese than in English.

答案: 错误

18、 Dialects in the south of China are more diversified than those in the north of China.

答案: 正确

19、 The character of 种 is a picto-phonetic Chinese character.

答案: 正确

20、 The character of 上 and 下 are pictographic characters.

答案: 错误

21、 The Chinese character 众 is a pictographic character.

答案: 错误

第3章 生命年轮:中国人的人生仪式 Rings of Our Life Tree: Important Life Ceremonies of Chinese People 第三章单元测试

1、 What’s the meaning of “Xisan”?

答案: Bathe the baby three days after the baby is born.

2、 When do the baby wear the special clothes which is called Baijia Yi?  

答案: When the baby is 100 days old.

3、 In the capping ceremony, __ caps should be placed on the man’s head one by one.

答案: three

4、 In modern China, the legal age for marriage is __ years old for men, for women. 

答案: 22, 20

5、 In ancient China, the birthday ceremony was held in people’s own houses, so they need to do some decorations.  Bamboo shoots are put on the table, which represents ___. 

答案: longevity

6、 If the son of the dead is an official, he has to go home on leave and stay at home for___ year(s) without working or any social communication. 

答案: 3

7、 The Tibetan minority in China has a special funeral ceremony, it is ____. 

答案:  celestial burial

8、 Chinese people send specific wishes such as “福如东海寿比南山May your May your fortune be as boundless as the East Sea and may you live a long and happy life”to people on his or her _ birthday ceremony.

答案: 60th

9、 Some families retain the tradition of cutting the baby’s hair ___, the hair cut being well kept or made into a writing brush.

答案: one month after the baby is born

10、 Which of the following statement is WRONG? 

答案: The legal age for drinking in China is 22 for men and 20 for women.

11、 Influenced by western cultures, many wedding ceremonies now are a combination of Chinese and western styles, which does NOT include __. 

答案:  wearing something blue

12、 In China, if you attend a funeral, you can say _ to the family who has lost their beloved one.

答案: Please restrain your grief and accord with inevitable changes.

13、 The traditional Chinese birth ceremony includes which rituals____

答案: Baoxi: informing people of the good news;
Xisan: bathing ritual three days after the baby is born;
Manyue: one-month-after-birth celebration;
 Baitian: the Hundredth-day Ceremony;
Zhousui: the First Birthday

14、 What are the traditional rituals of the one-month-after-birth celebration? ____

答案: feeding babies with noodles;
cutting the baby’s hair;
holding a feast

15、  The birthday ceremony for the elderly is held when the elderly is ____.

答案: 60;

16、 The specific rituals of birthday ceremony for the elderly include____.

答案: sending the invitation cards;
decorating the venue;
offering birthday fercilitation;
 the birthday feast

17、  Which of the following statements are correct?(    )

答案: Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors were built as the guardians of the huge underground empire of Qin Shi Huang, the first king of the Qin Dynasty.;
Chinese people treat a person in the same way during and after his or her lifetime. ;
In terms of the huge size of the tombs, Chinese mausoleums symbolizes the powerful influence of the owners of the mausoleums.

18、 In the ancient Chinese funeral ceremony, during the mourning period, the closest family members of the dead can NOT(    )

答案: eat anything for the first three days;
drink wine or eat meat until twenty five months later;
hold a wedding

19、 When a child is one year old, Chinese people hold a Zhuazhou ceremony.  If the child picked up the book, people predict that the baby’s would be a lawyer in the future.

答案: 错误

20、 Chinese traditional coming-of-age ceremony includes the capping ceremony for women and hair-pinning ceremony for men. 

答案: 错误

21、 The ritual “cross-cupped wine” is used quite often in Chinese people’s weddings.

答案: 正确

22、 Some people would hold a birthday ceremony for the elderly when the elderly is 66 years old.

答案: 正确

23、  If you are invited to a birthday ceremony for the elderly, the host does not need to give you return gifts.

答案: 错误

24、 Nowadays, most Chinese people are used to cremation.

答案: 正确

25、 In the hair-pinning ceremony for females, the important female seniors will pin the girl’s hair with three different hairpins.

答案: 正确

26、  Which of the following statements are correct? 

答案: Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors were built as the guardians of the huge underground empire of Qin Shi Huang, the first king of the Qin Dynasty.;
Chinese people treat a person in the same way during and after his or her lifetime. ;
In terms of the huge size of the tombs, Chinese mausoleums symbolizes the powerful influence of the owners of the mausoleums.

27、 In the ancient Chinese funeral ceremony, during the mourning period, the closest family members of the dead can NOT ____.

答案: eat anything for the first three days;
drink wine or eat meat until twenty five months later;
hold a wedding

第4章道法自然:中国人的时间法则 The Rule of Nature: The Time System of Chinese People 第四章单元测试

1、 Nowadays, how many calendars do Chinese people use?

答案: two

2、 The Stems-and-Branches system in traditional Chinese calendars includes __ stems and  ____ branches.

答案: 10,12

3、 Chinese ancient people used 12 earthly branches to calculate __, which was named Shichen.

答案: hours

4、 Which of the following festivals is NOT related to moon?

答案: the Double Eleventh Festival

5、 There are _ solar terms in Chinese lunisolar calendar. 

答案: 24

6、 Chinese people like to eat _ on Winter Solstice and  __ on Summer Solstice. 

答案:  dumplings, noodles

7、 The Spring Festival is on ___ in Chinese lunisolar calendar . 

答案:  Jan.1st 

8、 The year 2020 is the year of the Rat.  Which year is also the year of the rat? 

答案: 2008

9、 Parents tend to pick names with Chinese characters that contain the meaning of “water” for their child whose animal zodiac is __. 

答案: dragon

10、 Which of the following characters means the moon?

答案: 月yue

11、 Today the Stems-and –Branches is primarily employed to record years. Starting with Jia-Zi, it forms a  _____ -year cycle. 

答案: 60

12、 Which of the following solar terms belongs to spring? 

答案: Awakening of Insects

13、  Which of the following statements are correct?

答案: The character “ri (日, literal meaning is sun)” was used to describe one day.;
The character “yue (月, literal meaning is moon)” was used to describe one month.;
 The character “nian (年, literal meaning is year)” was used to describe one year.;
Chinese ancient people divided a day into 12 smaller time units.

14、 Which animals are in Chinese zodiac family?

答案: rat;

15、 2020 is the year of rat, what should a rat-year born person do in this year?

答案:  Wearing red underwear.;
Wearing red socks.;
Wearing a Pixiu amulet.

16、 What do Chinese people do in the Qingming Festival? 

答案:  sweep tombs;
go spring outings

17、 Which of the following statements are correct? 

答案: The 24 solar terms provide guidance in reality on agricultural production.;
The 24 solar terms exert great influence on Chinese people’s daily life.;
The solar terms provide guidance on people’s eating habits.;
Many customs are related to the 24 solar terms.

18、 In the eye of ancient Chinese, one, three, five, seven and nine are numbers of Yang, while two, four, six and eight are numbers of Yin. If both of the numbers of the day and the month are Yang numbers, such as 01/01, 03/03, 05/05, 07/07, 09/09; it leads to an imbalance of Yin and Yang. With constant worship for Yin-Yang balance, in those days, therefore, people would __. 

答案: take a bath;
drive off bad luck;
offer sacrifices to gods;
pray for good luck

19、  Nov.11th is _.

答案: Chinese shopping festival;
Chinese Black Friday

20、 The Spring Festival which is known as the Chinese New Year is on the first day of the first month of the solar calendar.

答案: 错误

21、 There is difference between one year based on the lunar cycle and solar cycle. 

答案: 正确

22、  Some Chinese ethnic groups have their own calendars.

答案: 正确

23、 The ox is the most hard-wording animal, so it ranks the first in the Chinese zodiac system.

答案: 错误

24、 According to Chinese zodiac system, the person associated with the ox and the person associated with the horse can become close friends or even lovers.

答案: 错误

25、 According to the 24 solar terms, one should not take off winter clothing before Vernal Equinox.

答案: 正确

第5章 智慧中国:智慧生活新气象 Smart China: Smart Lifestyle brought by Innovations 第五章单元测试

1、 Sina Weibo adopts __ to attract a great number of users.

答案: the celebrity marketing strategy

2、 In which year did China step into the 4G era?

答案: 2013

3、 At the end of the 1980s, Chinese people made short urban trips ___.

答案:  by bike

4、 The shared bicycles were first used on the campus of ____.

答案: Peking University

5、  Can you buy digital devices online, like a laptop?

答案: Yes, I can.

6、 How long has online shopping ushered into Chinese people’s life?

答案: about twenty years

7、 In which year was Alibaba established?

答案: 1999

8、 The Intelligent Medical System can help patients ___.

答案: make an appointment;
consult online;
get reports through the Internet

9、 Which of the following programs can help users make friends?

答案: WeChat;
Kings of Glory;
Sina Weibo

10、 What are the reasons for people to choose high-speed rail?

答案: convenient ticket purchasing;
fast running speed;
high punctuality rate;
effortless transfer

11、 The 5G networks are digital cellular networks, which is aimed at achieving high data rate, reduced latency, energy saving and reduced cost.

答案: 正确

12、 Pinduoduo establishes an online makeup community to share using experience of different products.

答案: 错误

13、  Fuxing high-speed trains are running at a speed of 250 kilometers per hour.

答案: 错误

14、 People can buy tickets, change or refund tickets, easily and directly on the mobile phone.

答案: 正确

15、  In 2020, it only takes four and a half hours to get Beijing from Shanghai by high-speed train.

答案: 正确

16、 Beijing Capital International Airport uses wireless digital trunked communication system to ensure the efficient and smooth operation of the airport.

答案: 正确

17、 The Shanghai Metro has achieved full access to free WiFi on all the metro lines.

答案: 正确

18、  According to the latest Development Action Plan for Smart Elderly Care Industry, by 2020, more than 100 smart elderly care demonstration bases will be built across the country.

答案: 正确

19、  The platforms fight tooth and nail in order to stand out in the race of winning consumers’ heart, in which Taobao always takes the biggest share for its varieties of goods.

答案: 正确

20、 Alipay was first launched by JD.COM with the aim to solve trust issues between the seller and the buyer in the way of secured transaction.

答案: 错误

第6章 未来已来:走向世界的中国教育 An Upcoming Future: Chinese Education Preparing for the World 第六单元测试

1、 Which of the following institutions is the earliest university in China?

答案: Jixia Academy

2、 Which of the following does not belong to six arts in ancient China?

答案: painting 

3、 The story of Zilu and Ranqiu seeking advice from Confucius illustrates the educational belief of _____.

答案:  teaching in accordance with students’ aptitude

4、 The commandery quota system in the Han Dynasty was based on candidates’ _____.

答案:  moral standards     

5、 The third place of the top three winners of the Imperial Examination is ___.

答案: Tanhua    

6、 Yangshi and Youzuo waited in the heavy snow to wait their teacher, the famous scholar ______ to wake up.

答案: Chengyi    

7、 Which of the following periods is covered by the current nine-year compulsory education in China?

答案: primary school    

8、 Which university used to serve as China’s Ministry of Education in the past?

答案: Peking University

9、 According to Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings and QS World University Rankings, which university is ranked as top 1 university in China?

答案: Tsinghua University    

10、 Which of the following universities is not included in the five most famous universities in the east of China(华东五校)?

答案: Xi’an Jiaotong University

11、 Publicized in 2017, Double First-class University Plan aimed to build  _ world first-class universities and _ first-class disciplines in 2017.

答案: 42/465

12、 Which of the following university is not famous for leading excellency in information technology?

答案: Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

13、 The first Sino-foreign university established in China is __.

答案: University of Nottingham Ningbo China

14、  “Fuzi” used to be a title addressed to a teacher or master of great knowledge in a respectful way.    

答案: 正确

15、 In the Han Dynasty, the young men from the aristocracy were required to master six practical disciplines called the six arts.

答案: 错误

16、 Higher vocational college does not belong to higher education.

答案: 错误

17、 In China, all provinces adopt the same national Gaokao paper.

答案: 错误

18、 Peking University used to be the Imperial University of Peking in late Qing University.

答案: 正确

19、 Peking Union Medical College is the best medical college in China.

答案: 正确

20、 C9 University group refers to 9 first-class universities in Asia.

答案: 错误

21、  Up until now, there are 100 universities included in 211 university project.

答案: 错误

22、 During the Second World War, students and faculties in Tsinghua University, Peking University and Nankai University moved to the southeast of China.

答案: 正确

23、 Wudaokou Vocational Technical Institute is a nickname of Peking University. 

答案: 错误





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风从东方来:今日中国概况(全英文课程)(杭州师范大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第1张




风从东方来:今日中国概况(全英文课程)(杭州师范大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第2张



风从东方来:今日中国概况(全英文课程)(杭州师范大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第3张




风从东方来:今日中国概况(全英文课程)(杭州师范大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第4张



风从东方来:今日中国概况(全英文课程)(杭州师范大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第5张



风从东方来:今日中国概况(全英文课程)(杭州师范大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第6张



风从东方来:今日中国概况(全英文课程)(杭州师范大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第7张
